Friday evening trafic jam just before Malaga,
so I head for the beach,
a nice quiet stretch, kites at a safe distance, and even a goodlooking girl sunbathing.
2nd battery OK from driving, so I blind the car on the sun side to work on the pc.
Around eight, the first car comes to check me out,
might be a car burglar, so I look back.
The car moves back and front a bit, then this nice looking guy gets out, starts to put his shirt in his trousers real slowly real close to my car.
Next thing he almost holds his dick in his hands.
Ten minutes later another car comes to check me out, and this goes on untill I’m tired of it.
Upon turning my van inland, I discover this weird slow motion ballet performed by 30 cars scattered on a square kilometer of waste land with dusty roads, prowling for easy sex.
What bothered me wasn’t the near dick confrontation,
-I have one too and most of the time I feel comfortable about it-
but the readiness to get out,
the lack of discrimination to have sex with someone nearly invisible in a tourist car.
Somehow it falls outside my notion of the romanticism even the quickest fuck should have.
And it also comes damn close to sexual intimidation.