Cutting up the very big fish: 14meters and 20 tons. Very big very dead fish. Balaenoptera physalus, ballena rorcual or fin whale died in Bolonia
Cutting up the very big fish: 14meters and 20 tons. Very big very dead fish. Balaenoptera physalus, ballena rorcual or fin whale died in Bolonia
A big fish, with bone cancer -was the story on the chiringuito's terrace-, came to die in the bay. It
Very big very dead fish. Balaenoptera physalus, ballena rorcual or fin whale died in the bay of Bolonia.
Very big very dead fish. Balaenoptera physalus, ballena rorcual or fin whale died in the bay of Bolonia.
A big fish, with bone cancer -was the story on the chiringuito's terrace-, came to die in the bay. It
Lightning at night
Lightning at night
A 5 hour thunderstorm at night, with a close to non-stop lightning show, enough to take 'daylight' pictures at night.